Activities Map
Redwood Forest Steam Train • Santa Cruz Beach Train • Printing Press • Hand Car • Gold Panning •
Candle Making • Marshal • Craft Station • Blacksmith • Face Painting
Lasso your Passbook Guide To Adventure from the General Store or Depot and have fun riding trains, panning for gold, and enjoying all the Kids Club activities.
You’ll get a stamp for every activity, and every stamp gets you closer to a freight–car full of prizes.
You have to be 12 years old or younger and taller than knee high to a grasshopper to participate.
If you ain’t a grownup yourself you’ll need a grownup’s okay and they have to ride herd on you while you’re here.
Mosey along and give your beach and redwood train tickets to the conductor the same day you ride and they’ll fetch you your stamp lickety–split.
Each activity is good for one stamp that day. Lasso your prizes at the general store or depot.
We’ll initial your passbook and date it to show you got your loot. You can keep your passbook as a souvenir of all the fun you had.
Ya’ll come back now. The Kids Club free train ticket is only good for a future visit.
Every stamp gets you closer to a freight-car full of prizes.Sheriff’s Badges. Engineer’s Caps. Train Whistles. And the grand prize — a free Kid’s Fare ticket.
3 Stamps = A Sheriff’s Badge 6 Stamps = An Engineer’s Cap and Train Whistle 10 Stamps = A Kid’s Fare Ticket
Pick up your loot at the General Store or Depot.
*We know you’re wanting to collect all of your passbook stamps lickety-split but not all Kids Club activities may be available every day. The Gold Panning and Kids Craft stations are usually ready and waiting for ya. All activities are subject to change without notice.